Category: <span>Beauty</span>

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A Simple Thing That Can Boost Your Confidence & Feminine Energy

A Simple Thing That Can Boost Your Confidence & Feminine Energy

Good afternoon, Beauties! 🙂 I have been active on my blog, even though it seems I have been away, I am just redefining my niche and working on some future projects. In today’s short post – reminder, I’d like to share with you one very small and simple thing that can bring you joy, boost...

The Strawberry Cheese Cake Theory & Self-Confidence

The Strawberry Cheese Cake Theory & Self-Confidence

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” –Eleanor Roosevelt You have provably seen this quote and it is so true. Being able to protect your inner peace and dignity from others is entirely your job, and here we do not mean physical protection where you fight and do certain actions, but the...

7 Traits That Make You More Valuable Woman

7 Traits That Make You More Valuable Woman

Good Morning, Ladies! 🙂 It is already September, this summer lasted 4 seconds to me! I am excited about the autumn wardrobe and feminine looks, even though I don’t like living in expectation of something in the future, but I focus on the now. Today’s post is about upgrading mindsets, not just changing looks and...

Силата на Утвърждаващите Думи

Силата на Утвърждаващите Думи

You may have heard the expression: ‘The tongue has the power of life and death.’ meaning that what we say to ourselves and others is so powerful. Good evening, Beauties. I am quickly coming on here to say hello, while I share with you my latest outfit for a meeting and my latest food for...

30-Day Weight ‘Release’ Journey | Day 1

30-Day Weight ‘Release’ Journey | Day 1

Hello, Beauties! This post is going to be about a challenge I set today 17th July and it is going to take 30 days. The goal is to ‘release’ 5 kg in a healthy way, while I enjoy the process and also take the time to refresh some aspects of my mindset, discover knew knowledge...