Month: <span>July 2019</span>

Home / 2019 / July
Know What You Need & Value What You Have

Know What You Need & Value What You Have

Have you ever been approached by a stranger, one of those ‘beauty experts’ who often annoyingly try to catch your attention and persuade you to buy something. I was, twice a fortnight ago. On one of my lunch breaks I decided to drop in on Franks (one of my favourite beauty shops). To begin with,...

Fasting | Update

Fasting | Update

Happy Eid to everyone who honoured this beautiful month! During Ramadan I was contemplating fasting a lot and here is my experience with it, what these 30 days taught me and why I feel different about myself after them. Fasting in general is good for your health, that is why there are so many fashionable...

Appreciate Life | Update

Appreciate Life | Update

♥ We hear all the time that ‘life is short’, we like ideas such as ‘carpe diem’, we tend to believe that the present moment is all we have and yet we get carried away by our routines, small and big duties, plans and wishes for the future, we regret things as if the past...

There Are No Bad Experiences

There Are No Bad Experiences

We have all heard of that cliché and people keep sharing this notion simply because it’s true. I don’t like fixed phrases and recently I have started reconsidering all I know, all my perceptions of events, things, people’s behaviour, how I see myself. I needed to deal with some old patterns which can no longer...

Have You Been Disappointed?

Have You Been Disappointed?

As humans we tend to have expectations of ourselves and unavoidably of others as well. When we or someone else doesn’t meet them that often creates pain. It can also affect our self-perception and self-worth and depending on our level on consciousness and how much we have invested in those people, it can have much...

A Productive Mindset | Dior Pencils

A Productive Mindset | Dior Pencils

Have you ever been bothered by feelings of you not being productive enough, that you are wasting time or you do not manage your own energy? I quite often feel guilty about these things. Being very goal-oriented I constantly consider ways in which I can improve my mindset in order to make it more productive,...