Category: <span>Beauty</span>

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A Little Autumn Getaway

A Little Autumn Getaway

Do you ever feel you don’t want to wake up for work or feel like you have been doing the same things for a really long time and you need to escape that well established routine of yours? To wake up differently, somewhere else, have breakfast with a view and have time to explore different...

A 30-Day Detox Programme

A 30-Day Detox Programme

Happy Friday 🙂 It is the ninth day of my detox programme and I must admit I feel great. It was one afternoon when I got home after work and I realised that I needed to do something. I was not feeling good about myself. I don’t mean my appearance, but the feeling about my...

The Mind-Skin Connection | Chanel Skincare

The Mind-Skin Connection | Chanel Skincare

It is already Sunday evening and it was quite a nice day. I met a friend of mine for a coffee. I don’t meet her often, but whenever I do it is always a pleasant, informative and genuinely positive event. When I got home after the brunch, tidying my dressing table and dealing with the...

Packing For A Holiday

Packing For A Holiday

I cannot believe that my last holiday was a year ago. Time flies, but now I start to understand my closest colleagues asking me how I manage to do that. Well, I guess I was just happy to be back to Malta after spending the entire last summer in Bulgaria… and here I am getting...

A Productive Mindset | Dior Pencils

A Productive Mindset | Dior Pencils

Have you ever been bothered by feelings of you not being productive enough, that you are wasting time or you do not manage your own energy? I quite often feel guilty about these things. Being very goal-oriented I constantly consider ways in which I can improve my mindset in order to make it more productive,...

CHANEL Perfection Lumiere Velvet SPF15 | A Happy Review

CHANEL Perfection Lumiere Velvet SPF15 | A Happy Review

Събота сутрин е и есенните слънчеви лъчи лъжливо обещават топъл ден. Студеният вятър обаче напомня, че въобръжаемото усещане за лято е нереално и то няма да се върне скоро. През тази част от годината много хора биха предположили, че са приключили със слънцезащитния фатор, запазвайки слънцезащитните кремове някъде за следващото лято. Това е опасно грешно....

My First Eye Creams | Update

My First Eye Creams | Update

When should I start applying an eye cream? Aren’t these products for people after a certain age? How to choose the best one for me? You may have had similar questions at some point of your life, at least I had them before I got my first eye cream a few years ago. I always...

Enlarged Facial Pores | SkinCeuticals

Enlarged Facial Pores | SkinCeuticals

Какаво прави порите на лицето да се разширяват и какво може да направим, за да предотвратим този процес е нещо, което често ме кара да се замисля в горещите летни дни, като този, в който беше направена тази снимка. Мястото е стилно кафене и коктейл бар в столицата на България, спряхме там за по едно...